Sales Agent

Help Investors
Buy Properties

Your sales skills and knowledge can build success for you and our investors.

Our Sales Agents use their experience and knowledge of real estate rehabilitation, the potential of properties, and the local real estate market to build high-trust relationships with our investors. Agents use New Western’s inventory to provide the right opportunities for those investors, putting them in a position to be successful with us.

Sales Agents don’t need to worry about the impact of economic fluctuations on the traditional real estate market.  Success can be found in the investment real estate regardless of economic cycles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! While your offer with New Western is contingent upon you successfully obtaining your real estate license, over 60% of the agents we engage went through the interview process and received an offer from us prior to starting their real estate licensing process.

Your offer to join New Western will be contingent upon you successfully obtaining your real estate license. Over 60% of the agents we engage went through the interview process and received an offer from us prior to starting their real estate licensing process.

Yes. Aligned with the industry standard, our licensed real estate agents are compensated on a commission-only basis.

Yes. You can complete the entire interview process before you obtain your license. You offer and start date would be contingent on obtaining the license.

The average agent earns $126,036 per year. Your actual earnings may vary.

About New Western

New Western makes real estate investing more accessible for more people. Operating in most major cities, our marketplace connects more than 100,000 local investors looking to rehab houses with sellers.
  • Our agents average over 29 transactions per year
  • Access our network of warm leads
  • An army of sales agents ready to sell the properties you acquire
  • Faster closing time, faster commission payouts and more volume
  • Access to tools & resources to help you excel, including live and on-demand learning opportunities
  • Freedom and flexibility of being an independent contractor
As the largest private source of investment properties in the nation, we buy a home every 13 minutes. New Western delivers new opportunity for all—a fresh start for sellers, exclusive inventory for investors, and affordable housing for buyers.

Insight for Agents

Learning New
Parts of Real Estate

The Value of

Building Your

What They're Saying About Us

Life at New Western